Debates on human v. machine creativity could learn a lot from Ada Lovelace's '[Babbage's] analytical engine has no pretensions whatever to originate anything'. Current Generative AI doesn't either. Why? Read
The widespread understanding of data as an asset subject to property rights not only leaves us vulnerable. It also disempowers us. Given the relational nature of data, individual control will not lead to long term empowerment, whether it be economic, political or social. To understand why, read:
Whatever it turns out to be, I hope that ‘the metaverse will be something we can all partake in, as builders, not just consumers.
October 2023, Geneva: panel with Amandeep Gill (UN Tech Envoy), Pascale Fung (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Alessandro Curioni (IBM) and myself, chaired by Alexander Illic (ETH AI Centre).
September 2023: session chaired by Sir Nigel Shadbolt, with Hyon Kim (, Margaret Levenshtein (ICPSR), Meredith Goins (World data system) and Sylvie Delacroix
November 2022: Keynote on data trusts followed by Q&A.
October 2022: Panel chaired by Timandra Harkness, with Neil Lawrence , Emran Mian and David Leslie.
October 2022: Panel with Ashta Kapoor, organised by the Dubai Future Foundation at the Museum of the Future
October 2022: University of Birmingham inaugural lecture chaired by Prof Lisa Webley with reactions / comments from Prof. Heather Widdows and Prof. Chris Baber
October 2022: Panel chaired by Alek Tarkowski in the context of the 'Freedom Games' 2022.
July 2022 UoM Institute for Data Science & AI keynote
June 2022 presentation on the potential inherent in bottom-up data trusts in the context of the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (University of Chicago) workshop on 'Data value: assessment and evolution'
March 2022 invited talk at the Montreal Speaker Series in the Ethics of AI, based on the last chapter of my forthcoming Habitual Ethics?:
December 2021 COHUBICOL Interview, conducted by Laurence Diver.
Years of societal transformations can negatively impact the interpretability of some ML systems for two types of reasons. These two types of reasons are rooted in a truism: interpretability requires both an interpretable object and a subject capable of interpretation. Not enough attention has been paid to the 'subject side' of the interpretability challenge.
Full paper:
July 2021 conversation about data trusts as bottom-up empowerment structures to create a better future which benefits all, no the few.
Panel organised by Silicon Flatirons, ‘Trust in Data and Data Governance’ (April 2021).
Panel launching the ‘Legal Mechanisms for data stewardship’ report by the Ada Lovelace Institute and UK AI Council (March 2021).
Panel organised by the Ostrom Workshop about the potential use of data trusts in the USA (February 2021)
Eight minutes introduction of the way ‘Data trusts can change the game’ in the European Data Economy, hosted by the Next Generation Internet Policy Summit, supported by the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet Initiative (October 2020).
October 2020: Chat with Prof. Ganna Pogrebna
Panel organised by the ODI on ‘Data trusts: what’s happening in 2020?’ (September 2020).
Ten minutes introduction to Bottom-up Data Trusts (Mozilla all-hands, February 2020).
Debating the harms and benefits of AI with an AI-powered ‘projectdebater’ at the Cambridge Union (November 2019).
GFAIH Conference, panel discussion on Data Governance with Paul Nemitz, Neil Lawrence, Nigel Shadbolt and Lise Getoor (Paris, October 2019).
Data debate: Cities – Smart or Sinister? (British Library, October 2019).
Cog X presentation on Data Trusts with Neil Lawrence (July 2019)
Nine minutes discussion about the Palestinian constitution-making endeavour (August 2013).
Sylvie Delacroix
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